Description of Proposal: The City of Gold Bar 2013 Water System Plan.
This proposal is for the adoption of the City of Gold Bar 2021 Water System Plan. The Plan addresses future water service needs to the service areas identified. The Plan puts forth a combined Capital Improvements Plan based on water system demand projections, minimum design criteria and system analyses. This is a non-project action.
Proponent: City of Gold Bar
Location of Current Proposal: The City of Gold Bar Water Service Area, within Townships 27N and 28N, Range 9E, W.M., Snohomish County, Washington
Lead Agency: City of Gold Bar
The Lead Agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)c. This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other Information on file with the lead agency. This Information is available to the public during the regular business hours of the City of Gold Bar at the below listed address. The DNS and Environmental Checklist may also be viewed on the City web-site at
This DNS is issued under 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fifteen
days from the date listed below. Comments must be received by June 15, 2021.
Responsible Official: Rich Norris
Title: Public Works Director
Address: City of Gold Bar Water Department, 107 5th Street, Gold Bar, WA 98251
Phone: (360)-793-1101
Date: 5/10/2021