Ad Hoc Committee – Requesting Applicants, March 14th, 2022
The City of Gold Bar is seeking one or two citizens to participate in an Ad Hoc Committee to review the Development Standards and Guidelines as they relate to lands that are within the city limits of Gold Bar and in the event of annexation of land within the existing UGA, to parcels of land annexed to the city. The development standards and guidelines are intended to be living documents that evolve with the community.
The purpose of the council Appointed Ad Hoc Committee isa to review Development Standards & Impact Fees.
The following Titles will be reviewed:
Title 10 – Vehicles and Traffic
Title 12 – Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places
Title 14 – Stormwater
Title 15 – Buildings and Construction
Title 16 – Subdivision Standards
Title 17 – Zoning
Qualifications to serve on the committee are:
The citizen must be at least 18 years old and live within Gold Bar or the Gold Bar Urban Growth Zone. The term of residency must be at least one calendar year.
The meetings will occur either via remote platforms or in person if allowed by guidelines from the state. Regardless of the state guidelines, the committee may choose to meet remotely. If meetings are held in person, the meetings will be in the Council Chambers at city hall.
The meetings are planned to be on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. The goal is to complete the discussion and present findings/discussion/recommendations to the city Council by the second city council meeting in June. The deadline for applications for this committee is March 25, 2022
We request each applicant to respond with a letter that states:
How long the applicant has lived in Gold Bar or the Gold Bar UGA area
Why do you want to serve on a land use committee?
Have you read the Development Standards and Guidelines?
Have you participated in local government on committees or other positions?
Are you available for the stated meeting times for the expected duration of the committee?
Does the volunteer hold parcels in Gold Bar or the UGA area that may be impacted by land use decisions made by the committee. The intent of this question is to disclose all interests and does not preclude membership in the committee.
Please submit your application with the answers to the questions above to the Clerk Treasurer via email: or at City Hall.
Rich Norris
Public Works
City of Gold Bar
Mobile 425-238-4649
Office 360-793-1101
Fax 360-793-2282