Request For Qualifications (RFQ’s) City Attorney Services, Due by Aug. 30th, 2019


The City of Gold Bar is a Washington optional municipal code city, with a population of approximately 2,175. It provides a wide variety of services to citizens and visitors in the Gold Bar area. These include public safety, building inspections, code enforcement, and an array of other services. It is imperative this governance rely on quality legal services. This scope of services will include the appointment of one individual or law firm to serve in the position of City Attorney.

The City of Gold Bar (the “City”) is soliciting sealed Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) from an individual attorney, or an attorney firm, to provide City Attorney services. Attorneys are invited to submit qualifications for the provision of these services. In order to be considered, responses must address each of the requests for information included in this RFQ. In addition, information regarding rates and fees must be submitted on the Proposed Fees sheet included in this Request for Qualifications (RFQ). The sheet must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope titled “Proposed Fees”.

Any questions regarding the RFQ should be addressed to Lisa Stowe, Clerk Treasurer, at Sealed responses will be accepted by Denise Beaston, City Office Manager, and/or Lisa Stowe, Clerk Treasurer, at 107 5th Street, Gold Bar, WA 98251, until 5pm on August 30, 2019. Responses received after this time will be returned unopened.

The City Attorney Services contract is anticipated to be awarded by the City Council in September, 2019. The City of Gold Bar reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, waive technicalities or irregularities, and to accept any proposal if such action is believed to be in the best interest of the City.

The scope of services for which fees and rates are requested is divided into three categories: general representation, special projects, and litigation. These categories are more fully described in Section III.

The firm will be required to provide a detailed, itemized billing for each category (including general representation) on a monthly basis.

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