Notice of Application
RE: Shoreline Variance – Application No. 00-01-20
615 Croft Ave West, Gold Bar, WA 98251
Tax Parcel No. 27090600201200
The following information is provided in accordance with Gold Bar Municipal Code 19.02.040.
- Date of Application: March 03, 2020
Date of the Notice of Completeness: March 03, 2020
Date of the Notice of Application: March 23, 2020
- Project Description: The applicant seeks a shoreline variance to reduce the required 150’ (foot) buffer/protection area from May Creek to 112 feet and a category III reduction to 75 feet. . The buffer reduction is required to construct a single family home in a 24’ X 40’ footprint.
- No other permits are included in the application.
- A Critical Area Report & Habitat Management Plan was submitted with the proposal application. A copy of the Shoreline Variance application may be reviewed at City Hall.
- Public comments will be taken from March 24, 2020 through April 24, 2020, 5:00PM. It is the right of any person to comment on the application, receive notice of and participate in any hearings, request a copy of the decision once made, and any appeal rights. Written comments may be mailed to City of Gold Bar, 107-5th Street, Gold Bar, WA 98251.
- An Open Record Public Hearing will be held before the Hearing Examiner at a date to be determined later. Contact City Hall to be notified of the date.
- A preliminary determination of consistency has been made at the time of this notice. In accordance with GBMC 19.40.010, the determination of consistency shall include the following:
- The type of land use permitted at the site, including uses that may be allowed under certain circumstances, if the criteria for their approval have been satisfied;
The proposed action location is designated Shoreline Residential, figure 15 Environmental Designations, 2019 City of Gold Bar Shoreline Master Program. Chapter 4 B. Table 4, Shoreline Uses, designates residential development as a permitted use in the designated Shoreline Residential area.
- The level of development, such as units per acre, density of residential development in urban growth areas, or other measures of density;
The 2015 City of Gold Bar Comprehensive Plan R-12,500. The lot size of the proposal is 0.39 AC, 17,056 Sq. Ft. The parcel is surrounded by existing single family residences.
- Availability and adequacy of infrastructure and public facilities identified in the comprehensive plan, if the plan or development regulations provide for funding of these facilities as required by RCW Chapter 36.70A; and
Infrastructure and public facilities are located adjacent to the proposed land use action. Public potable water and Croft Ave West are located along the total length of the proposal. Snohomish County Septic will be approved before any building permit will be issued.
- Character of the development, such as development standards.
City of Gold Bar Shoreline Master Program, Chapter 4 B. Table 5 requires a 150’ (foot) Shoreline Setback form any floodway or ordinary high water mark. May Creek is located adjacent to the property on the north side. The development located throughout neighboring areas, which includes about 10 residential lots, are single family homes with appurtenant structures. Many homes located within the development are located within 50’ (feet) of the top of bank or edge of May Creek channel. The lot, without approval of the requested setback reduction becomes unbuildable. Thus, the property owner is prohibited the right to build as all other properties have been improved with single family homes.
- A SEPA checklist was submitted with the application. Based on information in the submitted SEPA checklist and a site visit, city staff has made a Determination of Non- Significance.
Please contact Rich Norris or Denise Beaston at (360)793-1101 for more information.
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