Community Transit Journey 2050.
Community Transit is asking local residents, transit riders, and anyone who travels in Snohomish
County to comment on the next phase of the agency’s long-range plan called Journey 2050. This
plan will guide Community Transit’s vision and long-term priorities for the years 2025-2050 to adapt
and meet the public transportation needs of the growing region.
People can give their feedback in an online survey, available in five languages, through August 26th
Earlier this year, the agency asked the public to weigh in on values and priorities for future transit
services and learned:
• Eighty percent of respondents feel high-quality transportation is important for Snohomish
• Convenience, reliability, and efficiency are citied as the most important features of transit.
• The top two benefits of transit according to respondents are “getting people where they need
to be” and “providing options for those who use transit as their primary option.”
For this second phase of comment, Community Transit is asking people what types of transit service
they would like to use in the future, and to prioritize the following service types:
• Swift bus rapid transit – More Swift service along busy corridors where there are more
people and jobs.
• Innovative services – Community-based services like microtransit or bike share that meet a
local community’s needs (Community Transit will launch a microtransit pilot project fall in
• Regular fixed-route bus service – More traditional bus service to more places in the county.
Community Transit staff will use this input to create a final long-range plan that will be presented to
the board of directors in early 2023.
Any questions can be sent to
Thank you!
Sophie Luthin
Long Range Planning Project Manager
Office (425) 521‐5340