Community Statement Regarding George Floyd from the Snohomish County Sheriff and Police Chiefs Association
The Snohomish County Sheriff and Police Chiefs Association (SCSPCA) is comprised of Snohomish County’s 22 municipal and tribal police chiefs, the Sheriff, the Washington State Patrol District 7 Captain and the Snohomish County Prosecutor. Many SCSPCA members have already made public statements denouncing the death of George Floyd, to include both the actions and inaction we observed in the video of his arrest and subsequent death.
As an association, we are deeply saddened and troubled by what we saw on the video and want to reassure our community that the actions of these officers do not represent the values, ethics and morals that we promote at our individual agencies or collectively throughout law enforcement in Snohomish County. We continue to support all members of our communities who choose to exercise their right to peacefully demonstrate and express their concerns and outrage over what they saw. As we navigate these difficult times together, the SCSPCA remains committed to building and maintaining our public’s trust and ensuring that our officers, deputies, troopers and deputy prosecutors are not only highly trained, but that they possess the knowledge, skills and ability to serve our communities in a fair and impartial manner.
We look forward to engaging with the public in the weeks and months ahead to ensure that our residents have the highest levels of trust and confidence in our ability to deliver public safety services to our communities.