Coffee With The Mayor of Gold Bar, Saturday, January 12th

HAVE COFFEE WITH THE MAYOR (Revised) – Scheduled for January 12th

Do you have a question or two for Gold Bar’s Mayor? If so you can get it answered on the first Saturday (Revised to the 2nd Saturday for January only) of every month over a cup of coffee with the mayor.

Residents and business owners are invited to join Gold Bar Mayor Bill Clem for coffee and casual conversation on the first Saturday of Every month at Gold Bar City Hall Council Chambers located at 107 5th Street.

The “Coffee with the Mayor” program is designed to make elected officials more accessible to residents and business owners in the community and to promote one-on-one communication.

This program allows community members an informal and comfortable forum in which to meet with the Mayor to talk about issues, ask questions, discuss concerns and offer comments or suggestions.

Mayor Clem believes that this will allow our citizens to get to know him and ask questions in an informal setting and he would like to make this a regular gathering on the first Saturday of every month.

For more information contact Mayor Clem at 425-238-2655 or by email at  You may also contact the city Office Manager Denise Beaston at 360-793-1101 or e-mail

Please check out our events calendar for the next meeting announcement!!!

When:  January 12th
Time:   9-10am
Where: Gold Bar City Hall, 107 5th Street