City of Gold Bar COVID-19 Update for April 16th, 2020
Mayor Clem has authorized suspending Utility shut offs and delinquency notices through the month of April due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. Payment arrangements can be made to help residents pay their balance. Please contact Denise Beaston at 360-793-1101 or at to make payment arrangements.
City playground equipment and Gazebo at Gateway Park continue to be closed to the public.
Gold Bar City Hall continues to be closed to the public. For cash payments, submitting permits or general assistance during normal business hours there is a service window available to the right of the front doors at City Hall. We are continuing to encourage residents to use the drop-box located at the back of city hall for payments. If you have used the drop-box and would like a receipt please make a note on the outside of your envelope and a receipt will be mailed to you. Envelopes are available at the drop-box for those who do not already have an envelope.
We are continuing to monitor the situation and make adjustments as necessary.
Thank you for your patience during this time. Stay safe!
City Staff